iPhone envy? Five iOS 18 features that Android users already have

The ability to rearrange apps and widgets anywhere on the home screen grid has existed in Android since the beginning. Comments and reactions to Apple’s announcement in Tik Tok say it all.

No matter what Android phone you use, a long tap on an app or widget on the home screen will “raise” it so you can rearrange it, remove it from the grid, or, in some cases, resize it.

Also: 12 useful features Google just announced for Pixel phones, watches and tablets

Material You, a color theming tool that Google introduced with Android 12, basically accomplishes what iOS 18’s new Color app does. Technically, Apple’s interpretation is more refined, with a “Tinted” option in addition to the standard ones. Automatic, Dark, and Light, although I got mixed results for non-Apple apps like Gmail.

However, now that it’s been almost four years since Material You debuted, the feature is much more polished, with better coloration for a wider range of applications.

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